Aims & Scope

  SUVANNABHUMI is an international, peer-reviewed journal committed to the publication of scholarship in Southeast Asian Studies. It aims to offer a scholarly platform for original works drawn from research findings, theoretical thought, reflection, and/or reinterpretation of long-held viewpoints, ideas, or methodologies. The scope covers in particular, but not exclusively, the following fields of discussion: cultural studies, the arts, language and linguistics, history, archaeology and prehistory, anthropology, sociology, religion, literature, tourism, socio-economic issues, and politics.

  It is published biannually on the last day(30th or 31st) of June and December(in January and July from 2019 onwards). In addition to regular Issues, SUVANNABHUMI also publishes Special Issues focusing on particular themes or regions.

Open Access Policy

  SUVANNABHUMI is an open access journal. The contents of this Journal will be available in open access formats (PDF). Users are allowed to download, distribute, print, or link to the full texts of the articles in this Journal without asking prior permission from the Publisher or the Author(s). This is in accordance with the Budapest Open Access Initiative(BOAI) definition of open access.

  The contribution published either in SUVANNABHUMI Journal or on SUVANNABHUMI web-site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution- Non commercial- No Derivatives 4.0 International License.

Publication Charges

  There is no submission charge or Article Processing Charge (APC).

Review process

  All submitted manuscripts will initially undergo a “Desk Review” process, a preliminary editor screening, to determine relevance in light of the Journal’s aims and scope, appeal to an international audience, and conformity to the house style of this Journal.

  Manuscripts evaluated as “potentially relevant” will go through a “Double-Blind Peer Review” process, typically by a minimum of two to a maximum of three reviewers.

  The peer-review process may be lengthy. In cases where it takes time, contributors would be updated on developments. For instance, if the manuscript requires more than two peer reviewers, or if its sensitive issues need careful discernment, among others.

  If the manuscript is recommended for revision and resubmission, it will normally be reviewed by the same reviewers. However, there is no guarantee that the revised manuscript will be accepted. Submissions recommended for revision and resubmission may only be resubmitted once.

  Declined manuscripts will not be re-reviewed by this Journal. Book reviews and research reports are not peer reviewed.

Selection Criteria

Each submitted manuscript is reviewed based on the qualitative criteria below:

  • To what extent does the manuscript contribute towards the extension of knowledge in any particular area of Southeast Asian studies?
  • If the manuscript is theoretical or exploratory, is the literature cited up-to-date and relevant?
  • If the manuscript is empirical, how well designed, executed, and analyzed is the research?
  • If the manuscript is practitioner/policy orientated, is it useful and widely applicable?
  • Is the manuscript logically constructed, clearly written and suitably referenced?
  • Are the conclusions sufficiently derived from the analysis?
  • Does this manuscript conform to the Text and Manuscript Guidelines of SUVANNABHUMI?

Overall, the Peer Reviewers will make any of the following decisions:

  • With minor editorial or technical amendments.
  • Subject to revision specified by the Peer Reviewers to improve the manuscript for publication suitability.
  • Only subject to substantial changes being made by the Author(s) before the manuscript can be re-considered and without any guarantee or undertaking as to its future acceptance. Peer Reviewers should explain the suggested changes in detail.
  • It should be rejected for the reasons given by the Peer Reviewers’.

As a matter of sole discretion, the Editor will make the final decision about the manuscript in light of the Peer Reviews.

Copyright Policy

The Author(s) will be asked to sign a “Copyright Transfer Form & Warranties. In signing the Agreement, it is assumed that the Author(s) grants KIAS/BUFS (Korea Institute for ASEAN Studies, Busan University of Foreign Studies), as the exclusive Publisher of the Contribution, with the rights, conditions, and terms as detailed in the Agreement.

The Agreement will ensure the widest possible dissemination of information. The Author(s) must agree to the terms and conditions outlined in the Agreement and return the Agreement (in PDF format) to KIAS/BUFS (chiefedtor@bufs.ac.kr). Manuscripts cannot be published until a signed form has been received.

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The Editors of SUVANNABHUMI and the Publisher make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the "Content") contained in our publications. However, Editors of SUVANNABHUMI and the Publisher make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of the Content. Any opinions and views expressed in this publication are solely the opinions and views of the Author(s), and are not the views of or endorsed by Editors of SUVANNABHUMI and the Publisher. The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. The Editors of SUVANNABHUMI and the Publisher shall not be liable for any claims arising from the use of the Content.

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Research Ethics

For the purpose of preventing academic misconduct and upholding the basic principles of research ethics, researchers wishing to contribute to SUVANNABHUMI should complied with research ethics regulations enacted by the Korea Institute for ASEAN Studies, Busan University of Foreign Studies.

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Korea Institute for ASEAN Studies
Research Ethics Regulations

Enacted February 27, 2009

Amended June 7, 2010

Amended August 23, 2013

Amended December 6, 2019

Amended July 31, 2022


Chapter 1. General

Article 1. Purpose of Research Ethics Regulations

The purpose of these regulations are to define the principles and standards of research and publication ethics. For the purpose of preventing academic misconduct and upholding the basic principles of research ethics, all researchers who related to the Korea Institute for ASEAN Studies(hereinafter referred to as “KIAS”) must abide by research ethics in academic research and publishing of research papers.

Article 2. Scope of Research Ethics Regulations

These regulations pertain to all manuscripts submitted to and published by KIAS, Busan University for Foreign Studies.

Article 3. Oath to Research Ethics Regulations

1) Researchers wishing to submit manuscripts to the journal published by KIAS must vow to abide by its Research Ethics Regulations. In addition, all researchers who present papers at the conference hosted by KIAS must also comply with these regulations.

2) When recruiting manuscripts for all publications published by KIAS or announcing academic conference proposals, it is necessary to disclose the ethics regulations together, and researchers related to the publications shall be deemed to have pledged to abide by these regulations at the time of submitting the manuscripts.

Chapter 2. Regulations on Research Ethics

Section 1. Regulations to be Complied by the Author

Article 4. Plagiarism

The author shall not represent others’ research or part of their claims as if they were the author’s own research results or opinions in his or her writing or submission. The source research results of others may be specified and referenced, but representation of a part of such information as if they were the author’s own research results or opinions shall be determined as plagiarism.

Article 5. Publication Results

1) The author takes responsibility and is recognized for research that he or she undertook. Upon publishing a paper, the author's information, such as affiliation and position, should be accurately disclosed to enhance the credibility of the authorship.

2) In regards to the publication of researchers’ names on the paper or other published works, the order of the researchers must accurately reflect the amount of contribution provided by each author, regardless of their relative ranks. Acknowledging one as an author or as the leading author merely based on their higher position cannot be justified. In addition, omitting joint researchers or co-authors despite their contribution to the research or the writing also cannot be justified. No matter how small the contribution to the research or writing, such contributors shall be appropriately mentioned in the footnotes, preface, or acknowledgement sections of the paper.

Article 6. Overlapping Publications in Research Results or Duplicate Publications

The writer shall not attempt to publish/submit his or her research results (including results scheduled to be published or under review) that had been previously published, whether domestically or internationally, as if the results are new. When the researcher seeks to use previously published research results in his or her publication, the author must inform the Editor of the current journal in which he or she wishes to publish the article about his or her previous publication, and check whether there will be issues regarding overlapping or duplicate publication.

Article 7. Citations and References

1) When citing published academic materials, efforts must be made to ensure accuracy, and sources of materials outside common sense must be cited clearly. Materials obtained through the evaluation of papers or research proposals or through personal contact may be used after receiving consent from the researcher(s) who has provided said information.

2) When another person’s writings have been used or their ideas have been borrowed (referred to), the writer must declare the use or reference to such information through notes. Through such declarations, the readers must be able to differentiate between existing research results and the writer’s original opinions, claims, and interpretations.

Article 8. Amendments of the Paper

The author must try to reflect the opinions of the Editorial Board expressed in the paper evaluation process into the submission, and when in disagreement with their opinions, he or she must inform the Editorial Board of the grounds and reasons for this disagreement in detail.

Section 2. Regulations to be Complied by the Editorial Board

Article 9. Terms and Responsibility

The terms of Editor-in-Chief and other members of Editorial Board shall be set at two years, and may be extended afterwards with the consent. 
The Editorial Board has full responsibility in determining the publications of submitted manuscripts, and must respect the author’s character and independence as scholars.

Article 10. Fair Treatment

The Editorial Board must stay impartial not only to the author’s gender, age, and affiliated organization, but also to any preconceptions of and personal acquaintanceship with the author, thus should only fairly evaluate and assess the submission’s quality and to ensure accordance with submission regulations.

Article 11. Request for Fair Evaluation

The Editorial Board must request assessment of the submitted manuscript by an evaluator who has specialized knowledge in the relevant field as well as the ability to make impartial judgments. Efforts must be made to provide an objective assessment by avoiding appointments of evaluators who have inappropriately close relationships or hostile attitudes towards the author. However, the counsel of a third evaluator who specializes in the field may be sought when there is a noticeable difference in the evaluations.

Article 12. Confidentiality

The Editorial Board must not inform anyone of the matters relating to the author or the consent of the paper until it has been decided whether the submitted paper will be published, with the exception of the evaluators.

Section 3. Regulations to be Complied by the Reviewer

Article 13. Sincere Review

Reviewers must review the submission as requested by the Editorial Board within the time designated by the evaluation regulations, and must inform the results to the Board. If reviewers feel they are not qualified to evaluate the content of the submission, they must inform the Editorial Board on this information without delay.

Article 14. Fair Review

Reviewers must fairly review the paper using an objective and impartial standard, disregarding personal scholarly beliefs and acquaintanceship with the author. The paper subject to review must not be assessed without having been carefully read. Reviewers must not devalue the work without adequate grounds or exclude the paper from publishing opportunities on the basis that it is in conflict with the reviewer’s personal opinions and interpretations.

Article 15. Respect to the Author

Reviewers must respect the author’s character and independence as an intellectual. The written opinion statement shall disclose the reviewer’s judgment of the paper, and when the reviewer wishes to recommend supplementation to a certain part of the work, reasons for this suggestion must be explained in detail. Reviewers shall use courteous and gentle expressions as much as possible, and refrain from expressions that degrade or insult the author.

Article 16. Confidentiality

Reviewers must withhold information about the paper subject to evaluation. It is advised that reviewers do not show the paper to another person or discuss its contents to another person, unless they are specifically seeking advice for its evaluation. In addition, the content of the paper must not be used without the consent of the author until the academic journal in which it is published is distributed.


Chapter 3. Ethics Committee on Research Ethics

Article 17. Composition of the Ethics Committee

The Ethics Committee on research ethics shall consists of no more than five persons, including head of ISEAS, editor-in-chief and members of Editorial Board.

Article 18. Jurisdiction of the Ethics Committee

The Ethics Committee may conduct a wide investigation in regards to the informers, examinees, witnesses, testifiers, and evidentiary materials in regards to issues reported as a violation of the ethics regulations. It may recommend appropriate disciplinary actions to the Director when the reported offences are found to be true.

Article 19. Investigation and Deliberation by the Ethics Committee

The researcher reported as having violated the ethics regulations must cooperate with investigations conducted by the Ethics Committee. A lack of cooperation in these investigations in itself constitutes a breach of the ethics regulations.

Article 20. Guarantee of Opportunity to be Summoned

The researcher reported as having violated the ethics regulation must be provided with an adequate opportunity to respond to the summons.

Article 21. Subject Anonymity

Until the Editorial Board makes its ultimate decision on the ethics regulation violation and makes a disciplinary order, the Ethics Committee must not reveal the relevant researcher’s identity to the public.

Article 22. Disciplinary Procedure and Penalties

Once a disciplinary action recommendation is made by the Ethics Committee, the Editor-in-Chief shall call the Board for an ultimate decision on the disciplinary procedure and penalties. Researchers who have been found to have breached ethical regulations may be issued with disciplinary actions such as warnings or prohibitions from submission, and other organizations or individuals may be informed. When fraudulent acts such as plagiarism, overlapping publications, and ghostwriting are found to be true, the relevant work shall be removed from the collection, and the writer shall be prohibited from submitting papers to the Journal and presenting or discussing at academic conferences hosted by KIAS for a minimum three years; Disclosure of the Judgment shall be made on the KIAS web site.


Chapter 4. Supplementary Provisions

Article 23. Amendment of Research Ethics Regulations

1) Amendment of these Regulations require the initiative of the head of KIAS or the Editor-in-Chief and one third or more of the Editorial Board.

2) On occasion of an amendment to the Research Ethics Regulations, the person concerned who has vowed to comply with the previous regulations shall be deemed to be committed to compliance with the new regulations without further oaths.


These regulations shall be enforced upon its enactment and amendments. 

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